Intergenerational communication – workplace strategies
We offer intergenerational communication packages focusing on the challenges and wants of workforces that now hold six generations of people. Our programmes and advisory services are based on the findings of River & Spark’s large scale research on how multi-generational workforces feel about working together and tested solutions to improve understanding and communication between them.
Our intergenerational communication consultancy services include short, interactive learning opportunities through to placements within organisations to set up structures and systems that support your people at every stage of life and career.
Coaching, mentoring and mediation
Our lead consultant is a qualified coach, currently undertaking an ILM Level 7 Leadership Coaching qualification. Her specialities include group and individual coaching, coaching Peoople team leaders, coaching sprints, and retainer work, coaching during and
after organisational change, and developing future leaders. Zoë is also a trained ACAS mediator, Insights Discovery (Colours) practitioner, and experienced mentor.
We are commited to providing transformational coaching and mentoring services with clear and measurable ROI.

Organisational development projects
We offer services for both large and small scale change programmes covering restructures, TUPE, hybrid working models, and cultural support following change. We also provide compensation and bonus structure redesign, run staff survey development and delivery, and end-to-end redundancy consultation strategies.
Diversity, equality, and belonging
We believe that traditional diversity training isn’t working, and instead offer diversity, equality and belonging strategies, and advice focused on representation and social equality – ensuring policies, employee relations groups and corporate social responsibility initiatives are inclusive, effective, and consistent. Our aim is to support organisations to foster a truly diverse workforce and develop a thriving culture.
Employee relations, employment law, policies, and trade unions
Our lead consultant is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association and Industrial Lawyers Association. Zoë has a wealth of experience of Trade Union liaison, redundancies, TUPE, and a broad knowledge of tribunal trends. We believe employment law knowledge should underpin everything from talent strategy to organisational development structures.

Learning and development packages
At River & Spark we believe that L&D should be measured against meaningful company and people metrics to provide meaningful and measurable ROI.
Our ‘hero’ products are our intergenerational workplace communications training packages. These range from training informed by our research findings, to placements within your organisation that support you in shaping strategies that support your intergenerational workforces.
We offer line management, talent acquisition and interviewing best practice training packages. Additional courses include improving team resilience, and how to develop people teams that focus on operational excellence.
Beautiful basics
We believe that the foundation of a thriving and compelling culture is getting your people team ‘beautiful basics’ right!
We are experts in drafting staff handbooks and policies that are legally compliant and culture forming, developing a full suite of HR templates, delivering coaching and training, as well as helping organisations hire world-class talent.

Employer value propositions
We support businesses in creating compelling and comprehensive employer value propositions. We consider every element of an EVP from social media, job adverts, recruitment structures to compensation and benefits.
We also offer support on setting up talent identification structures that are clearly linked to pay and reward, as well as delivering of future focused, user-friendly appraisal systems and processes.
Talent acquisition
We can support and advise on every facet of talent acquisition from basics such as job descriptions, interview grids and processes, to more progressive approaches to attract neurodivergent and diverse candidates utilising newer recruitment techniques such as role trial interviews and interview gamification.